Tuesday, April 28, 2009

giggidy giggidy goo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

just a random phrase i made that is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo fucking awesome

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

METAL GEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

hey metal gear NES fans, i just added THE FUCKING AWESOMEST GAME SCROLL DOWN NOW

chapters 2/3 cont....


just a random thought here....

What is with the no exit doors at buisnesses, most of them seem to be used by many people but the second i use one half the world is pissed at me.....

arrghghgghhh this world is strange as hell.....

shit, life sucks hard...

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

random thought

Why is the word monosyllable not a "monosyllable.....

Damn, i'm gonna lose sleep over this one...

chapters 2/3

whoa!! he is like.... 16 in the story..... and a heavy smoker.... he does seem calm at points but is easily angered. like a short fuse